sobota, 2. februar 2013


Naša družina je znana po tem, da vsi radi beremo. Še posebno Manumajček.
In da na dopust tovorimo nenormalno velike kupe knjig.

Rešitev bi bila Kindle, težava je samo v tem, da zanj ne obstajajo knjige v slovenščini oz. da Manumajček zaenkrat še ne bere knjig v tujih jezikih.
Dokler se eno ali drugo ne spremeni smo obsojeni na cele potovalke knjig.

Ne glede na to, da v našem gospodinjstvu še ne premoremo Kindla, pa sta pod mojimi prsti nastali že dve oblekici zanj po navodilih najdenih na internetu. Za mojo prijateljico in njeno taščo.

Popolnoma zadovoljna sicer nisem, sta pa v bistvu prototipa in sta bila narejena ob odsotnosti samega objekta.

Our family is known for the fact that we all like to read, especially Manuboy.
And that we carry enormous amounts of books when we go on holiday.

A solution would be a Kindle. But there is a problem – there aren't books in Slovenian and Manuboy doesn't read books in foreign languages yet.
As long as one or the other does not change we are doomed to a whole suitcase of books.

Even thou we do not own a Kindle in our house, two Kindle-covers already came »from my hands«. The instructions were found on the Internet. They were for my friend end her mother in law.

I'm not completely satisfied, but those are basically the prototypes and were made in the absence of the actual objects.

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