četrtek, 3. januar 2013


Po uspešnem izdelku iz prvega blaga nisem čakala in sem se takoj lotila še drugega iz istega paketa.

Barva je tokrat drugačna, težava pa enaka - trije različni, vzporedni potiski na eni širini blaga. Po dobrem ogledu blaga, se je na njem "pokazala" majica.

Že ko sem jo izrezala, sem bila navdušena, saj so se vzorci izšli tako popolno, kot bi bilo blago narejeno prav za to majico.
Ko sem jo naslednje jutro sešila, pa je bilo navdušenje še večje, saj je perfektno uspela in mi dala polet za nove izdelke.

After a success with the first fabric I could not wait and I immediately got to work on the second piece of fabric.
The color is different this time, but it has the same problem - three different parallel prints across the width of the fabric. After a good look at it, it screamed T-shirt.
When I cut the pieces out, I was excited because it seemed like the fabric was made especially for this shirt.
When I sewed the shirt next morning, the excitement was even greater. The shirt turned out perfectly and gave me the boost for making new products.

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