Moja raketa omogoča dvanajst različnih šivov in danes sem uspela preizkusiti dva. Prvi je krasno uspel, drugemu pa še kar nekaj manjka do perfekcije. Ampak za začetek sem zadovoljna in očitno na pravi poti do udomačitve rakete. Kljub temu, da je konstrukcija zapletena in meni popolnoma neznana, sem se kar dobro znašla.
Še nekaj snežnih nedelj, pa bom mogoče lahko že kaj pokazala.
It is
almost a month since a have my new toy. I haven't had the time to take it out
of its box and test it until today. The weather was perfect for it.
My »rocket«
has twelve different stitches and I tested two today. The first one was
perfect, the second one not so much. But I am still pleased and I think on the right
way to taming the rocket. The construction of the machine is complicated and a
total novelty to me, but I managed it pretty well.
I need a
few more snowy Sundays and I might be able to show you some work done with it.
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