sreda, 21. avgust 2013


Razmišljanje mojega malega angelčka na poti domov

Manumajčica št. 2: A tisti, ki so res v nebesih, kdaj padejo na tla?

Jaz: Mislim, da ne.

M. št. 2: A v nebesih govorijo?

Jaz: Verjetno.

M. št. 2: Kje so že tisti, ki so poredni?

Jaz: V peklu.

M. št. 2: Ja točno pekel, tam je pa velik ognja, mi je Manumajčica št. 1 povedala.

Sem se pa zadržala, da ji nisem rekla, da ne bi imela nič proti, če bi kdaj kdo iz nebes padel na tla, samo da tisti iz pekla ne bi stalno hodili nazaj in mi grenili življenja.

Še krilca se skoraj vidi, a ne? / You can almost see the wings, don't you?

The way my little angel thinks:

Manugirl No. 2: Do the ones who are really in heaven ever fall to the ground?

Me: I think not.

M. No. 2: Do they talk in heaven?

Me: Probably.

M. No. 2: I can't remember where the naughty ones go?

Me: To the hell.

M. No. 2: Yeah, exactly hell, there is a lot of fire; Manugirl no. 1 told me so.

I really had to hold myself back and be quiet. But I wanted to tell her that I wouldn’t mind if someone would occasionally fall from heaven, if only the ones that are in hell stayed there and not keep constantly returning and keep making my life a living hell.

sobota, 17. avgust 2013


Trenutno sem v življenju naletela na veliko oviro. Obstajala je že nekaj časa, zdaj pa se je mala snežena kepica zakotalila po dolgi strmini in pred menoj pristala kot snežni zamet. Očitno je ne smem več ignorirati.

Že samo življenje s to oviro je bilo težavno, spoznanje, da moram nekaj ukreniti glede te ovire pa mi je pobralo vso energijo, ki bi jo lahko v normalnih razmerah drugače porabila. Samo odstranjevanje ovire me izčrpava tako psihično kot fizično. Na mojo srečo in veselje mi mož popolnoma stoji ob strani in me podpira pri mojem boju. 
Seveda pa na račun tega trpi tako družina kot moje ustvarjanje, ki ga v zadnjem času skorajda ni. Ravno tako sem bolj kot ne neaktivna v kuhinji, kakšnih novih kulinaričnih dosežkov pa že dolgo ni bilo. 
Na tem mestu se moram zahvalit še svojemu tastu, ki veliko pomaga pri otrocih in nas pogosto reši pred stradanjem s svojimi juhicami, mineštrami in drugimi dobrotami.

Trenutno imam začrtano strategijo svojega boja in že to mi daje nekaj upanja, čeprav si možnih posledic še ne znam predstavljati.

Lahko pa si predstavljam okus čokoladne pite z malinami, s katero smo se sladkali mrzlega junija.


250 g moke
100 g masla (na sobni temperaturi, narezano na majhne kocke)
100 g sladkorja v prahu
ščep soli
2 jajci

V posodo damo moko, maslo, sladkor in sol ter s prsti mešamo dokler ne dobimo "drobtin". Nato dodamo še jajci in gnetemo dokler ne dobimo gladkega testa.
Testo oblikujemo v kepo, zavijemo v prozorno folijo za živila in pustimo počivati v hladilniku eno do dve uri.

240 g ohlajenega testa  na pomokani površini razvaljamo na debelino 2-3 mm in z njim obložimo dobro namaščen okrogel pekač za pite premera 20 cm in ponovno postavimo v hladilnik za vsaj 20 min.
Testo večkrat prebodemo z vilicami in "slepo"  pečemo 20 minut v pečici ogreti na 190°C (na testo položimo papir za peko in nanj natresemo suha fižolova zrna). Nato znižamo temperaturo pečice na 180°C, odstranimo papir in fižol in pečemo še 5 minut.
Testo vzamemo iz pečice in pustimo, da se ohladi medtem pa pripravimo nadev.


250 ml sladke smetane
200 g drobno nasekljane dobre temne čokolade (delež kakava 60-70%)
25 g agavinega sirupa
50 g masla, narezanega na majhne koščke

250 g malin

V kozici na srednjem ognju segrejemo smetano. Ko zavre, umaknemo iz ognja in dodamo sirup in čokolado. Z metlico mešamo dokler ne dobimo gladke kreme. Ob stalnem mešanju dodamo še maslo, košček za koščkom.

Na pečeno testo razporedimo maline in čeznje prelijemo kremo. Počakamo, da se ohladi, nato pa postavimo v hladilnik za vsaj dve uri preden postrežemo.

Pito režemo z zelo ostrim nožem, ki ga pomočimo v vročo vodo za vsak kos.
Postrežemo jo hladno, vendar ne takoj iz hladilnika.

I ran in to a major obstacle in my life right now. Actually it has been there for some time, but now the small snow ball roll down the long slope and landed in front of me as a large pile of snow. Obviously I can not longer ignore it.

Admitting the existence of this obstacle was a difficult thing to do, deciding that something must be done about it was even harder. I spent all my energy on these decisions, the energy that could have been otherwise spent. Working on removing the obstacle is draining me both mentally and physically. Luckily for me, my husband fully stands by me and supports me in my fight.
Of course there are some consequences in our family life and my creating is suffering badly. I am also inactive in the kitchen. Lately I haven't made any new culinary achievements.
At this point, I have to thank my father in law, who is helping us a lot with the children and he often saves us from starvation with his soups, stews and other delicacies.

Currently I have outlined the strategy for the fight and it gives me some hope, even though I can not even imagine the potential consequences.

But I can vividly imagine the taste of chocolate pie with raspberries, which we had back in the cold month of June.

250 g flour
100 g butter (at room temperature, cut into small cubes)
100g caster sugar
pinch of salt
2 eggs

Put the flour, butter, sugar and salt in a dish and mix it by hand until you get "crumbs". Then, add eggs and knead until you get smooth dough.
Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in transparent foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for one to two hours.

Roll out 240 g chilled dough on a floured surface to a thickness of 2-3 mm and put it in a well-greased pie mold (20cm diameter) and put back in the fridge for at least 20 min.
Prick the dough several times with a fork and "blind« bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 °C (line the dough with baking paper and put some dry beans on it). Lower the oven temperature to 180 °C, remove the paper with the beans and bake for another 5 minutes.
Take the dough out and allow it to cool while you prepare the filling.


250 ml whipping cream
200 g finely chopped good dark chocolate
25 g agave syrup
50 g butter, cut into small pieces

250 g raspberries

Heat the cream in a saucepan over medium heat. When it boils, remove from the stove and add the syrup and chocolate. Mix with the whisk until you get a smooth cream. Carry on mixing and add the butter, piece by piece.

Spread the raspberries on the baked pie and pour the cream over them. Allow to cool and then place in the refrigerator for at least two hours before serving.

Cut the pie with a very sharp knife, dipped in hot water for each piece.
Serve it cold, but not straight from the fridge.