sreda, 5. junij 2013


Kot sem že obljubila, je čas da razkrijem svojo novo poletno pisarno.

Naše stanovanje ni ravno pretirano veliko, pa še mansardno je. In kar nas je trenutno pet, prostor pa si delimo s tremi računalniki, dvema šivalnima strojema, likalno desko in šiviljsko lutko, veslaško napravo, vsaj tremi dojenčki, množico plišastih igrač in konkretnim številom škatel z lego kockami (poleg vsega ostalega), je prostora lahko hitro premalo. Predvsem pa včasih zmanjka kakšna "luknja" kamor bi se človek umaknil ali zatekel po malo miru.
Zadnjih nekaj let imamo v uporabi še balkon, ki ga nismo uporabljali za kaj dosti drugega kot za sušenje perila. Ob zadnjem obisku priljubljene Švedske trgovine preko meje, sem po dooooolgem razmišljanju in razpravljanju kupila lesene plošče za oblaganje balkonskih tal in tako je naš balkon dobil novo, dosti bolj privlačno podobo.

Bila sem celo tako pridna, da sem naredila posnetke PREJ in POTEM.

As I promised, it's time to reveal my new summer office.

Our apartment is not particularly large, and partially in the attic. There is five of us living here, but we share our living space with three computers, two sewing machines, ironing board and dressmaking dummy, rowing machine, at least three babies, a large amount of plush toys, and quite a few boxes of LEGO blocks (in addition to everything else). As you can imagine there is quickly not enough space for everything and everyone. Sometimes you need a place to hide and there isn't any.
Few years ago we acquired balcony but haven't used it for much more then hanging our laundry to dry. At my last visit to the popular Swedish store across the border, I bought (after a lot of thoughts and discussions) wood panels for balcony floor. And so our balcony got a new, much more attractive appearance.

I even remembered to take BEFORE and AFTER pictures.



Na žalost od prenove balkona vreme ni ravno omogočalo posedanja v prelepem okolju, ampak glede na to, da se je začel že prvi poletni mesec, čakam nove priložnosti. Takrat pa izpod strehe potegnem klopco, na mizico pripravim pijačo in UŽIVAM.

Trenutno se ukvarjam z mislijo kako na balkon postavit šivalne stroje. Ampak verjetno že rahlo pretiravam, a ne?

Kje se bo pa po novem sušilo perilo, pa tudi še ne vem.

Unfortunately, after the renovation of the balcony the weather is not exactly allowing me to sit end enjoy the beautiful surroundings, but hopefully the summer is jut around the corner (it is already June). When it warms up a little bit, I will pull the bench from under the roof, prepare the table and enjoy a drink.

I am trying to think of a way to bring my sewing machines out, but I am probably slightly exaggerating, or am I not?

I also haven't figured out where we will hang our laundry now.