Na vabilo učiteljice Manumajčice št.1 sem že v začetku novembra sodelovala v šoli na tehniškem dnevu, kjer so izdelovali novoletne voščilnice in "izdelek", oboje z mislijo na recikliranje. Vse pa bo na prodaj na prazničnem bazarju prihodnji teden.
Izdelovali so več različnih voščilnic in ponosno lahko povem, da tri po moji zamisli.
S skupnimi močmi pa smo prišli tudi do ideje za izdelek - otroci so prinesli 16x16cm velike kose blaga, ki so jih nato v šoli potiskali, jaz pa sem jih potem s pomočjo šivalnega stroja spremenila v torbice za robčke.
V šoli sem prebila kar tri cele ure, pa še doma eno, da lahko zdaj ponosno pokažemo 23 najrazličnejših torbic.
Glede na navdušenje otrok ob nastajanju mislim, da bodo šle za med, saj hoče vsak otrok kupiti svojo, tiste štiri dodatne (otrok je 19), pa bodo verjetno tudi hitro našle lastnika.
It is the
craziest month of the year again which doesn't have enough days and hours. And that
is why some preparations begun almost one month earlier.
teacher invited me to join them one day at school in early November. They were
making seasonal greeting cards and a "product". The theme was
produced will be on sale at the festive bazaar next week.
They were
making many different cards and I can proudly say that three were based on my
we also came up with an idea for a product – each child brought two 16x16cm
large squares of fabric and they decorated them with stamps in school. Later on
with the help of my sewing machine I changed them into little bags for
I spent
three whole hours at school sewing, and an additional hour at home, but we can now be proud of 23 different handkerchiefs bags.
Given the
enthusiasm of children while I was sewing the bags will be easily sold, because
every child wants to buy his/hers. And I think four additional bags (there are
19 children in Manugirl No.1's class) will also quickly find new owners.
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