Decembra se začnejo razne večerje in zabave, ne nekaterih organizirajo tudi srečelov oziroma moraš s seboj prinesti darilca in si jih potem izmenjaš (ponavadi s popolnimi tujci). In znajdeš se pred dilemo kaj naj to darilce bo.
Držim se pravila, da darilo izberem tako, da bi ga bila sama vesela, če bi ga dobila, saj obdarovanca ne poznam.
Zelo pa me moti pristop, ko greš v klet in daš za darilo prvo steklenico vina, ki ti pade pod roko. Ali še huje, iz podstrešja potegneš škatlo in v darilno vrečko vtakneš neko šaro, ki si jo tja pospravil pred petnajstimi leti.
Ravno tako darilo sem dobila letos, ko sva se z možem udeležila dobrodelne večerje in je doma takoj romalo v smeti.
Ker je bil namen srečelova zbiranje denarja, naj bi vsak prinesel dve darili - torej sem se morala domisliti štirih izvirnih idej za malo denarja.
Odločila sem se, da dve kupim, dve pa izdelam.
Kupila sem pisan plastičen termo lonček za kavo, za drugo darilo pa koledar s slaščicami s priloženim receptom za vsak mesec, dodala pa sem mu še kuhalnico. Pač v mojem stilu.
Izdelala pa sem dve torbici. Eno bolj večerno, drugo pa kozmetično.
Drugo sva sicer dobila nazaj, a sem jo uspešno zamenjala za dva kozarca vloženih jurčkov.
Let us talk
about another problem in December.
There are various
dinners and parties in December and sometimes there is a raffle or you have to
bring small gifts which you randomly exchange (usually with complete
strangers). I always find myself in front of a dilemma what to give.
I stick to
a rule – I only give gifts that I would be happy to get.
And I
really, rally hate when somebody just goes to the basement and takes the first
bottle of wine. Or even worse –getting some junk from a box stashed at the attic
for at least fifteen years.
I got exactly
that kind of a gift this year, when my husband and I attended a charity dinner and I
threw it immediately in the trash when I got home.
Since the
purpose of the raffle was raising money for charity we were asked to bring two
gifts each - so I had to come up with four original ideas for a small amount of
I decided
to buy two and make two.
I bought
colorful plastic thermo cup for coffee for the first gift and a calendar showing
sweets with recipes for each month for the second. I added a wooden spoon just
for fun.
For the
other two gifts I made two bags. One is more evening-wear, the other is a cosmetic
We got the
second one back, but I successfully exchanged it for two jars of pickled
porcini mushrooms.
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