nedelja, 8. december 2013


Pa se je spet zgodilo.
Nedelja zjutraj, po napornem tednu in dežurni soboti in brez kruha.
Nekaj bo potrebno otrokom dat za zajtrk.
Manumajček ne je mlečnih jedi (gresa, mlečnega riža...), palačink ali vafljev pa se mi ne da delat.
Raje bi nekaj podobnega kruhu.

Odločila sem se za mlečne kruhke (nemško Milchbrot, angleško Scones) - pripravljeni in pečeni so hitro in iz sestavin, ki jih imamo vedno doma. Pa še dobri so in ni potrebno čakati, da se popolnoma ohladijo, saj so najboljši z maslom in marmelado, ko so še mlačni.

Priznam, da moji še nikoli niso izgledali tako, kot v kuharskih knjigah, saj testo vedno razvaljam na pretenko in ne narastejo toliko, kot naj bi, ampak okusni so pa vedno in še vedno jih je zmanjkalo.

2 skodelici moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
ščepec soli
30 g masla razrezanega na majhne kocke
125 ml mleka
125 ml vode

V posodo damo suhe sestavine in dodamo kocke masla. Maslo s prsti vtremo v moko (nastanejo drobtine in ne čutimo več večjih kosov masla).
Dodamo mešanico mleka in vode  in hitro zgnetemo v gladko, zelo mehko testo. Pri gnetenju moramo biti res zelo nežni in hitri, saj bodo kruhki trdi, če bomo gnetli predolgo.
Testo stresemo na pomokano površino in ga sploščimo do debeline približno 3 cm.
S pomokanim okroglim modelom (ali pa s pomokanim nožem) iz testa izrežemo kruhke, ki jih polagamo na pekač obložen s peki papirjem in pomažemo z mlekom.
Kruhke pečemo 12-14 minut v pečici ogreti na 220°C, dokler niso zlato zapečeni in zvenijo votlo, če na njih potrkamo.
Pečene kruhke ohladimo do mlačnega in postrežemo z maslom in marmelado (bolj dekadentni pa s smetano in marmelado).

It happened again.
It is Sunday morning after a long week and having to work on Saturday and we have no bread.
The children will need something for breakfast.
Manuboy doesn’t like dairy meals; I am not in the mood for making pancakes or waffles.
I would prefer something more like bread.

I decided to make Scones (Milchbrot in German) – they are quickly prepared and baked and I always have the ingredients at home. They are very tasty and they don't need to be cooled completely, because they are the best served with butter and jam, when they are still lukewarm.

I admit that my scones have never looked like the ones in cookery books, because I always pat the dough too thinly and they don't rise like they are supposed to, but they are still delicious, and we always eat the whole batch.

2 cups plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt
30 g butter cut into small cubes
125 ml milk
125 ml water

Put the dry ingredients in to the bowl and add the butter cubes. Rub the butter with your fingers in to the flour.
Add the milk and water mixture and quickly kneaded all the ingredients into smooth, very soft dough. You have to be really gentle and quick with the kneading. If you knead for too long, you will get very hard scones.
Transfer the dough on to a floured surface and flatten it to a thickness of about 3 cm.
With floured round cutter (or with a floured knife) cut out the scones and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and brush with milk.
Bake the scones 12-14 minutes in an oven preheated to 220 ° C until golden brown (they should sound hollow if you knock on them).

Let the scones cool to lukewarm and serve with butter and jam (if you feel more decadent serve them with whipped cream and jam).

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