ponedeljek, 11. februar 2013


V naši hiši smo spet šivali pustne maske.

Čeprav sama nad pustom nisem ravno najbolj navdušena, se skušam potruditi za otroke, da se lahko zabavajo.
Manumajček se je letos odločil, da je že prevelik za maškaranje, Manumajčici pa sta si izbrali precej enostavni maski - Pika Nogavička in Anica.

Za Anico mi ni bilo potrebno nič šivati, samo en meter satenastega traku za pentljo v laseh in roza obleke iz omare (ki nam jih res ne primanjkuje).

Piki pa sem v skladu z opisom njene garderobe v knjigi sešila rumeno obleko in modre hlačke z belimi pikami. Ostalo pa smo nabrali po hiši.

I was sewing costumes again.

I am not a big fan of masquerade myself, but I try to do my best for the children so they can have fun.
Manuboy decided this year that he was too old for dressing up. Manugirls luckily chose very simple costumes - Pippi Longstocking and Annika.

For Annikaa I did not have to sew anything. I just bought one meter of satin ribbon and put it in her hair and took some pink clothes out of the closet (which we have in abundance).

For Pippi I stayed true to the description in the book and made a yellow dress and blue shorts with white polka dots. The rest was gathered around the house.

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