Saj ne, da ga prav aktivno praznujem, se pa vsako leto razveselim kakšnega izdelka, ki ga otroci prinesejo iz vrtca ali šole. Sreča je v malenkostih, pozornostih in zavedanju, da nekdo pomisli nate.
Tako se je moj materinski dan začel že krepko pred sedmo uro zjutraj, ko sem na poti v službo prejela nasmeh in pozdrav neznanca. Nadaljeval se je z objemom sodelavca vsem mamam.
Vrhunec pa dosegel, ko mi je preponosna Manumajčica št. 2 izročila darilce, ki ga je v vrtcu izdelala zame.
It was Mother's Day in Slovenia yesterday.
Not that I actively celebrate this holiday, but each year I am happy and proud when my children hand me the presents they made in kindergarten or school. Joy is the little things, attention you get from another person and knowing that someone thinks of you.
This year’s mother's day began well before seven o'clock in the morning when I received a smile and greeting from a complete stranger on my way to work.
Later a got an embrace form a colleague (he was giving them to all the mothers at work).
The highlight was, when my proud Manugirl No.2 handed me her gift.
Zdaj imam vsaj mavrico, če že sonca noče biti.
At least I have a rainbow now, if the sun refuses to shine.
Dan se sicer ni končal tako lepo kot začel, saj je Manumajčica št. 1 v nedeljo, po dveh tednih zdravja, ponovno zbolela in sem zaradi nje bedela do skoraj ene ure ponoči (med drugim sem študirala znake akutnega vnetja slepiča). Ampak to paše k materinstvu, je tako?
Če hočeš praznovati materinski dan, moraš biti mama in se spopasti z vsem kar spada k tej vlogi.
Danes se seveda ne počutim ravno blažene v svoji materinski vlogi, ampak bi jo raje zamenjala za vlogo medveda med zimskim spancem.
Me pa pokonci drži misel, da sem pretekli vikend izdelala torbico, ki bo darilo za neko mamo.
Te mame sicer osebno ne poznam, poznam pa njeno hči, ki je izbrala obliko torbice in imela glede blaga samo eno željo - da so na torbici mačke. Ostalo pa je bilo prepuščeno moji umetniški svobodi.
In torbica je polna mačk, krasnih mačk.
Ob pogledu na torbico je še kar nekaj mam (in hčera) izrazilo željo, da bi imele kakšno mojo torbico. Vključno z mojo mamo!
The day did
not end as well as it started because Manugirl No.1 fell ill on Sunday, just two
weeks after previous illness and I was awake almost until one o’clock in the
morning because of her (among others I studied signs of acute appendicitis).
But it is a part of motherhood, right?
If you want
to celebrate Mother's Day, you have to be a mom and that means you have to deal
with all that comes with this role.
Today, of
course, I do not feel really blessed in this role of being a mother and I would
prefer to switch roles with a bear during hibernation.
But I have
one thing that keeps me happy. I made a bag last weekend, which will be a gift
for a mom.
I do not
know this mom personally, but I know her daughter. The daughter chose the
pattern for the bag and had one wish regarding fabric – there should be cats on
the bag. The rest was left to my artistic freedom.
And the bag
is full of cats, wonderful cats.
Seeing this bag, quite a few
mothers (and daughters) want a bag made by me.
my own mother!