K sreči pa sem bila bolj dosledna s prednovoletnimi sklepi, saj sem si zadala, da vsak otrok med božičnimi darili dobi med drugim tudi en kos oblačil izpod mojih rok. In uspelo mi je. In to pravočasno.
Zdaj obleke že dolgo niso več skrivnost in jih lahko pokažem.
Otroci so bili navdušeni.
Good thing
I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, because I would already break one. I
promised myself I would try to post more posts (preferably one a week), but January
is over and I managed to post only one post.
I was more consistent with the Pre - New Year's resolutions. I set myself a goal
to sew a piece of clothing for every child for Christmas gifts. And I did it.
And even on time.
Now that
the clothes are no longer a secret I can show them to you.
The kids
were very excited.
Manumajčkove hlače / Manuboy's pants
Obleka za Manumajčico št.1 / Dress for Manugirl No.1
Obleka za Manumajčico št.2 / Dress for Manugirl No.2