nedelja, 25. november 2012


Ob pol sedmih zjutraj se je triletna Manumajčica št.2 prišla crkljat v najino posteljo in na moje veliko veselje zaspala še za pol ure. Nato pa je skočila pokonci in začela pogovor.

Mamumajčica št.2: Mami, od kje pridejo dojenčki? Kako se rodijo?

Ko sem jih odgovorila najbolje kakor sem znala, me je poučila, da so bili ona in Manumajčica št.1, ter Manumajček vsi v mojem trebuhu. Pozanimala se je še, v čigavem trebuhu sva bila jaz in oči. Za konec pa je povprašala še, koga je imel dedi J. v trebuhu.
Ko sva obdelali temo o razlikah med mamicami in očki, sva prešli na drugo.

Manumajčica št.2: Kaj to pomeni "živeli so veselo do konca svojih dni"? (le od kje ima to, a ne?)

Po dešifriranju tega stavka, pa je imela še finalno vprašanje: kako veš kdaj boš umrl?

No, tukaj sem jo mogla pa razočarati, da tudi mama nima odgovorov na vsa vprašanja.

Moram še posebej poudarit, da sem bila po tem pogovoru popolnoma zbujena?

At half past seven in the morning, the three-year Manugirl No.2 came in our bed for a cuddle and to my great joy we all slept for half an hour longer. Then she jumped up and started asking questions.

Mamugirl No.2: Mom, where do babies come from? How are they born?

I answered her as best as I could. Then she told me that she and Manugirl No.1 and Manuboy as well were all in my tummy. Inquiry continued in whose tummies was I and daddy. And at last she wanted to know who did grandpa J. had in his tummy.
When we cleared the differences between mothers and fathers, we switched to another topic.

Manugirl No.2: What does it mean "they lived happily until the end of their days"?

After decoding this sentence, she had a final question: how do you know when you're going to die?

Well, I had to disappoint her that even a mother does not have all the answers.

Do I have to say that I was completely awake after this conversation?