nedelja, 30. december 2012


Počitnice, dopust, prazniki... in mraz in megla. Posledica je nekaj več časa kot običajno.

Zato sem na mizo postavila šivalna stroja in iz omare potegnila blago.

Tokrat jersey. Ne navaden, ampak by Kenzo.
To blago je kupila moja sestra, da bi kaj sešila hčerki. Ko je ugotovila, da se to ne bo zgodilo tako kmalu, je blago prinesla k meni, s prošnjo, če lahko kaj sčaram. Blago je tudi pri meni odležalo še kar nekaj časa, saj sem dolgo iskala primerno idejo za tako posebno blago.

Nazadnje sem se odločila za tuniko brez rokavov, ki se lahko nosi tako pozimi kot poleti.
Blago je potiskano s tremi različnimi vzorci. Za tuniko sem uporabila samo enega (na levem kotu se kaže naslednji), za zadnjo stran pa sem uporabila bel jersey.

Zdaj pa čakam na sodbo bodoče lastnice.

Holidays, vacation ... cold weather and fog. This all results in a little more spare time than usual.

Therefore I set the table with my two sewing machines and took some fabric from my closet.

This time it was a jersey. Not just a jersey, but one by Kenzo.
My sister bought this fabric to make something for her daughter. When she realized that this will not be happening soon, she brought it to me and asked me if I could make something.
The fabric was in my closet for quite some time, because I was searching for the perfect idea.

Finally I decided to make a sleeveless tunic that could be worn in summer as well as winter.
The fabric has three different patterns printed on it. I used only one for the tunic (on the left side you can see the beginning of the next one) for the rear I used a white jersey.

Now I have to wait if the future owner likes it.

nedelja, 16. december 2012


Meglena, cedeča decembrska nedelja.

Ni bolj primernega opravila kot krašenje medenjakov. In prav to sem počela z Manumajčicama.

Foggy, rainy Sunday in December.

There is nothing better to do than decorating gingerbreads. And that's exactly what I did with Manugirls.

ponedeljek, 10. december 2012


Še ena decembrska težava.

Decembra se začnejo razne večerje in zabave, ne nekaterih organizirajo tudi srečelov oziroma moraš s seboj prinesti darilca in si jih potem izmenjaš (ponavadi s popolnimi tujci). In znajdeš se pred dilemo kaj naj to darilce bo.

Držim se pravila, da darilo izberem tako, da bi ga bila sama vesela, če bi ga dobila, saj obdarovanca ne poznam.

Zelo pa me moti pristop, ko greš v klet in daš za darilo prvo steklenico vina, ki ti pade pod roko. Ali še huje, iz podstrešja potegneš škatlo in v darilno vrečko vtakneš neko šaro, ki si jo tja pospravil pred petnajstimi leti.

Ravno tako darilo sem dobila letos, ko sva se z možem udeležila dobrodelne večerje in je doma takoj romalo v smeti.

Ker je bil namen srečelova zbiranje denarja, naj bi vsak prinesel dve darili - torej sem se morala domisliti štirih izvirnih idej za malo denarja.
Odločila sem se, da dve kupim, dve pa izdelam.

Kupila sem pisan plastičen termo lonček za kavo, za drugo darilo pa koledar s slaščicami s priloženim receptom za vsak mesec, dodala pa sem mu še kuhalnico. Pač v mojem stilu.

Izdelala pa sem dve torbici. Eno bolj večerno, drugo pa kozmetično.

Drugo sva sicer dobila nazaj, a sem jo uspešno zamenjala za dva kozarca vloženih jurčkov.

Let us talk about another problem in December.

There are various dinners and parties in December and sometimes there is a raffle or you have to bring small gifts which you randomly exchange (usually with complete strangers). I always find myself in front of a dilemma what to give.

I stick to a rule – I only give gifts that I would be happy to get.

And I really, rally hate when somebody just goes to the basement and takes the first bottle of wine. Or even worse –getting some junk from a box stashed at the attic for at least fifteen years.

I got exactly that kind of a gift this year, when my husband and I attended a charity dinner and I threw it immediately in the trash when I got home.

Since the purpose of the raffle was raising money for charity we were asked to bring two gifts each - so I had to come up with four original ideas for a small amount of money.
I decided to buy two and make two.

I bought colorful plastic thermo cup for coffee for the first gift and a calendar showing sweets with recipes for each month for the second. I added a wooden spoon just for fun.

For the other two gifts I made two bags. One is more evening-wear, the other is a cosmetic one.

We got the second one back, but I successfully exchanged it for two jars of pickled porcini mushrooms.

sobota, 1. december 2012


Spet se je začel najbolj nori mesec leta, ki ima vsakič premalo dni in premalo ur. In zato so se letos priprave začele že skoraj en mesec prej.

Na vabilo učiteljice Manumajčice št.1 sem že v začetku novembra sodelovala v šoli na tehniškem dnevu, kjer so izdelovali novoletne voščilnice in "izdelek", oboje z mislijo na recikliranje. Vse pa bo na prodaj na prazničnem bazarju prihodnji teden.

Izdelovali so več različnih voščilnic in ponosno lahko povem, da tri po moji zamisli.

S skupnimi močmi pa smo prišli tudi do ideje za izdelek - otroci so prinesli 16x16cm velike kose blaga, ki so jih nato v šoli potiskali, jaz pa sem jih potem s pomočjo šivalnega stroja spremenila v torbice za robčke.
V šoli sem prebila kar tri cele ure, pa še doma eno, da lahko zdaj ponosno pokažemo 23 najrazličnejših torbic.

Glede na navdušenje otrok ob nastajanju mislim, da bodo šle za med, saj hoče vsak otrok kupiti svojo, tiste štiri dodatne (otrok je 19), pa bodo verjetno tudi hitro našle lastnika.

It is the craziest month of the year again which doesn't have enough days and hours. And that is why some preparations begun almost one month earlier.

Manugirl's teacher invited me to join them one day at school in early November. They were making seasonal greeting cards and a "product". The theme was recycling.
Everything produced will be on sale at the festive bazaar next week.

They were making many different cards and I can proudly say that three were based on my ideas.

Together, we also came up with an idea for a product – each child brought two 16x16cm large squares of fabric and they decorated them with stamps in school. Later on with the help of my sewing machine I changed them into little bags for handkerchiefs.
I spent three whole hours at school sewing, and an additional hour at home, but we can now be proud of 23 different handkerchiefs bags.

Given the enthusiasm of children while I was sewing the bags will be easily sold, because every child wants to buy his/hers. And I think four additional bags (there are 19 children in Manugirl No.1's class) will also quickly find new owners.